- Institutional Research of Internet Stocks





2001 Predictions by TheStandard:
E-commerce annual revenue exceeds $1.8 trillion.
2005 Voice-over-IP technology eliminates long-distance phone bills.
2005 Network TV all but ceases to exist and each show becomes an independent entity.
2007 Last music CD's roll off the assembly line. All music now downloaded off the Web.
2007 As broadcast, telephone, and computer networks converge, divisions between media begin to fade. Eventually, the Net becomes all-in-one.
2008 While movie houses still exist, celluloid has been replaced by wireless digital distribution.
2008 People regularly implant chips in their bodies as part of their personal area networks.
2008 Wireless technology renders telephone lines obsolete.
2009 Most household appliances plugged into the Net. A broken toaster in Maine can be diagnosed with a faulty spring - by a company in Arizona.
2009 Microprocessors capable of tens of trillions of operations per second.
2010 Mobile handset penetration reaches 99 percent in the United States, 65 percent worldwide. The handset - which comes in hundreds of forms - is now the No 1 portal to the Net, and includes voice, data, video, GPS, PDA, ATM, and many other functions.
2010 A half-dozen satellites, probes, and landers, each equipped with special Net-like protocols, form the backbone of a new Interplanetary Internet (IPN), first designed by JPL in the 1990s.
2019 Most business meetings take place virtually over the Web.

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 Internet Access
AOL-Time Warner  AOL
Earthlink Network  ELNK
 Cable Internet Access
Excite@Home  ATHM
Internet Cable  ICBL
 DSL Internet Access
Covad Communications  COVD
 Wireless Internet
Echostar Communications  DISH
Metricom  MCOM
Palm  PALM
VocalTec Communications  VOCL
 Internet Security
Verisign  VRSN
 Internet Software Solutions
Akamai Technologies  AKAM
BroadVision  BVSN
Hear Me  HEAR
iXL Enterprises  IIXL
Openwave Systems  OPWV
 Internet Portals
Yahoo!  YHOO
 e-Commerce  FLWS  AMZN
 B-to-B e-Commerce
Ariba  ARBA
Commerce One  CMRC
VerticalNet  VERT
GeoCities(Yahoo!)  YHOO
iVillage  IVIL
 Internet Advertising
DoubleClick  DCLK
 e-Health  KOOP
Healtheon/WebMD  HLTH
Medinex Systems  MDNX
Net.B@nk  NTBK
Wit Capital Group  WITC
 B-to-B Transaction Processing
Digital Courier Technologies   DCTI

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