- Institutional Research of Internet Stocks


Our mission is to induce the efficient use of capital in the New Economy. We fulfill our mission through knowledge and the strategic execution of transactions for New Economy companies (companies with intrinsic dependence on the Internet). We facilitate their interaction with Wall Street and the New Economy industry. Coherently, we strive to lead in the innovation of the financial services industry through the development of our New Economy patentable inventions.

INVESTMENT ADVISORY, Inc. is an investment advisory and investment banking firm. One of our primary businesses is to provide institutional clients with investment advice on New Economy stocks. Our analysts follow the top 40 business models of the New Economy. Our specialized knowledge of the sector allows us to use and originate efficient methods to analyze the companies. In addition to using the extensive literature on the companies to conduct our research, we maintain ample communication channels with their managers, other analysts, bankers, journalists, regulators, lawyers, suppliers, consumers, scientists and others. Our research is disseminated to numerous institutions by a select group of leading institutional salesmen in our network of investment banks and the main Wall Street distribution services, including Zacks, Bloomberg, IBES, Dow Jones, Nelson's, First Call, Multex Investor, and Yahoo-Finance. We also refer institutional clients to high quality public and private equity offerings through collaboration with the investment banks of our network.

We use our expertise in the best business models of the New Economy and our relationships with the managers of leading companies and institutional investors to provide a wide variety of services to public and private companies. For companies that could significantly improve their overall performance as a result of strategic and/or structural changes or that need assistance in getting to the next development level, we conduct growth strategy studies to determine and execute such changes. These strategic/structural changes may include public/private financings, new strategic alliances/partnerships, technology changes, new products/services, licensings, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, marketing campaigns, filing of patents, exchange listings, etc. Upon assisting companies execute such changes we maintain long term relationships with them. We provide important market support to companies with sustainable competitive advantages. In particular, analyst coverage usually leads to fairer valuations of their stocks as it generates a following of institutional investors and outstanding investment community exposure through our network of investment banks and our research´s prominent distribution services.

One of the natural roles of, Inc. is to facilitate the interaction between investment banks that work with Internet companies. We have a banking infrastructure that consists of a network of various NASD/SIPC/MSRB investment banks and law firms. We enhance their collaboration, including in the placement of equity offerings. We use our expertise in the New Economy to control the quality of companies in their corporate finance deals and recommend only those that pass our sophisticated due diligence tests. Our network of investment banks supplements us with all the resources that our client companies need. This infrastructure is optimized so that any transaction or service for client companies is efficiently and rapidly executed.

The emergence of the Internet in the world is changing many industries. A clear example of this is the way online trading has revolutionized Wall Street. As a result of our knowledge of the best business models in the New Economy and the innovative spirit of our group of many young associates, our founder David R. Rivas, Ph.D. has found, partly accidentally, innovative ways to apply the Internet to the financial services industry. One of our main activities centers around developing, testing and refining the two inventions conceived and owned by our founder: OFIP and OPTIMAL FUND - two patentable business models that are expected to significantly increase the efficiency in the performance of financial services. We already enjoy some of the advantages OFIP offers; it has given us an edge over our competitors: We follow, with institutional research reports, more New Economy companies than most of the largest Wall Street firms. Our goal is to optimize the revolutionary advantages of the OFIP innovation and its implementation.

For more information contact us., Inc.
One World Trade Center
87th Floor, Suite 8735
New York, NY 10048

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 Internet Access
AOL-Time Warner  AOL
Earthlink Network  ELNK
 Cable Internet Access
Excite@Home  ATHM
Internet Cable  ICBL
 DSL Internet Access
Covad Communications  COVD
 Wireless Internet
Echostar Communications  DISH
Metricom  MCOM
Palm  PALM
VocalTec Communications  VOCL
 Internet Security
Verisign  VRSN
 Internet Software Solutions
Akamai Technologies  AKAM
BroadVision  BVSN
Hear Me  HEAR
iXL Enterprises  IIXL
Openwave Systems  OPWV
 Internet Portals
Yahoo!  YHOO
 e-Commerce  FLWS  AMZN
 B-to-B e-Commerce
Ariba  ARBA
Commerce One  CMRC
VerticalNet  VERT
GeoCities(Yahoo!)  YHOO
iVillage  IVIL
 Internet Advertising
DoubleClick  DCLK
 e-Health  KOOP
Healtheon/WebMD  HLTH
Medinex Systems  MDNX
Net.B@nk  NTBK
Wit Capital Group  WITC
 B-to-B Transaction Processing
Digital Courier Technologies   DCTI
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