- Institutional Research of Internet Stocks Analyst Coverage (and Strategic Advisory) offers the following advantages to client companies:

- Increases the market's awareness of the client companies, which usually results in stronger demand for their stocks and thus fairer valuations.

- Increases the credibility of their potential and facilitates their marketing with institutional investors.

- Attracts the backing of other Wall Street firms for further coverage, other transactions and offerings. We can guarantee that at least one other NASD/SIPC/MSRB member firm will also initiate coverage of the client companies´ stocks in addition to

- Increases and facilitates the liquidity of their stocks when our network traders make a market in them.

- Presents the client companies on our website alongside our coverage of the leaders of the Internet industry - a stamp of approval - where worldwide investors have free access to our institutional research reports.

- Generates outstanding media coverage and a following of institutional investors when we file our reports with an extensive network that includes Zacks, Bloomberg, IBES, Dow Jones, Nelson's, First Call, Multex Investor, and Yahoo-Finance (see the Alliances section of our website). These are key sites for corporations to have coverage, sites on which companies should have a presence. Analyst Coverage (and Strategic Advisory) consists of the following three assignments:

1) Following the client company with research reports. Our basic Analyst Coverage service consists of a 10-15 page Initiating Coverage report and one 3-10 page Update report per quarter for the period of the contract. If necessary, we issue more Update reports to include the effects of important events such as changes in strategy, new alliances, new clients, new products, etc. Although the client company compensates us for our research (and for regulatory reasons we disclose this information), we strive to give fair opinions. We do not artificially inflate its stock price through unrealistic analyses.

2) Assisting the client company in designing optimal strategies to maximize its growth. We focus exclusively on Internet companies and we are knowledgeable of the most successful strategies to maximize the growth of Internet companies. Our analysts follow the top 40 business models of the Internet economy - see our 50 + research reports posted on the free access section of our website. We use all this knowledge to advice the client company on its growth strategy. Furthermore, we have close relationships with numerous Internet companies and we introduce the client company to relevant Internet companies.

3) Using our extensive investment-banking infrastructure to introduce the client company to other top Wall Street Internet analysts, bankers and fund managers. For client companies without previous adequate analyst coverage, our research reports make the marketing of these companies with other top Wall Street analysts and fund managers much easier. They make the difference between marketing obscure companies and marketing companies that have already passed the strict due diligence tests of top Internet analysts. Analysts and institutional investors have great difficulty assessing companies based only on news and SEC filings. By contrast, our reports give investors a clear and complete view of the value of the companies. More importantly, because our reports are widely distributed, posted on our website, and recognized for our expertise in the Internet industry, they allow their stocks to trade at much fairer valuations. Analyst Coverage (and Strategic Advisory) fees

Our fees for a one year contract are $*,000-$**,000 cash and $**,000-$***,000 worth of shares of stock or warrants of the client company. Our fees are very reasonable considering the positive effect that our services have on the client company's market capitalization.

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