- Institutional Research of Internet Stocks

Over the last two years, we have assisted our network of investment banks in raising substantial capital for companies through private placements, IPOs, PIPEs, equity lines and secondary offerings. Financing Network

Institutions: We strive to maintain close relationships with many mutual/pension/hedge funds. Our analysts provide them with research coverage and advice on the 50 best business models of the New Economy. Many of these funds are open to investing in various types of companies.

Other Investment Banks: We work with a network of investment banks who belong to syndicates for placing equity offerings with their institutional and retail clients. We seek to have them benefit from our Internet industry expertise and connections to acquire promising client companies. Our headquarters at the World Trade Center place us in the heart of New York City, the financial capital of the world.

Internet, Technology & Telecommunication Companies (Private and Public): We provide investment banking advisory support to a number of companies. Furthermore, our analysts have good communication with the managers of the blue chip Internet companies that they follow. Our bankers are in daily contact with many Internet companies prospecting transactions. We strategize partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions that may provide a cash infusion to the needy company and better positioning to both of the companies involved. Transactions Performed through our Network of Investment Banks

Bridge Loans: We arrange these short-term loans so that companies have the necessary funding to secure a private placement or other forms of long-term financing.

Private Investment Public Equity (PIPEs): For public companies with urgent cash needs and significant trading volumes (at least $50,000 worth of shares trading daily), we negotiate private convertible securities investments with accredited and institutional investors.

Equity Lines: For public companies with moderate but long term financing needs, we can provide them with bi-monthly cash infusions worth 150% of their average daily trading volume, at their discretion, for up to 36 months.

Reverse mergers: In some cases, we take private companies public through a reverse merger in order to subsequently finance them through a PIPE or Equity Line.

Private Placements: For private companies with proven business models, we place offerings under Regulation D rules 504, 505 or 506 with long term, accredited investors.

Strategic Alliances/Investments: One of the best strategies to increase the valuation of companies is to have them financed by the more established players in their industry. For companies with financing needs, we initiate and negotiate investments from established or leading players.

Merger Partners: We find synergistic merger partners with significant cash resources in order to merge it with or acquire the company with financing needs. Financing Advisory consists of the following assignments:

1) Due Diligence:
We initially review the existing operations of the client company, and evaluate its potential status within the Internet industry and capital requirements. We revise the company’s business plan by considering its cash flow analysis and projections and specific corporate goals.

2) Financing Strategy:
We explore various options for raising capital for the company and design the strategy that would result in the lowest cost of capital and highest after money valuation. This includes the structure of the deal (private placement, public offering, PIPE, merger, etc.), type of security (convertible debenture, convertible preferred stock, common stock, etc.), pricing, market timing and the recommended size of the deal.

3) Identification of Key Investors (or Merger Partners):
We determine the optimal profiles of potential investors: (1) in terms of being accredited and/or retail investors, (2) industry specialization for institutions, and (3) synergies for merger partners. Once we determine their optimal profiles, we find them by utilizing our substantial resources, including the strong relationships that our bankers and analysts have with numerous funds, investment banks and New Economy companies.

4) Investor’s Package:
We draft a Company Profile and Analysis Report and cover letters specifically tailored to our target investors. These highlight the most valuable aspects of the company, as well as its strategic value to prospective investors or merger partners. If necessary, we prepare a private placement or offering memorandum with our partner law firms. Additional fees may be required for extensive legal work.

5) Contacting and Following up with Investors:
We contact and distribute our investor’s package to target investors or merger partners on a confidential basis to open dialogue and confirm their interest. We strategically and diligently follow up.

6) Negotiating:
We evaluate interested investors to determine which should command the highest priority. We make an effort to find various interested parties to obtain competing bids and thus minimize the cost of capital. We negotiate and oversee the transaction through closing

Negotiating for the case of a (convertible) debt or equity offering
With the sales forces of some of the members of our network of investment banks:
- We use our partnership agreements with the other investment banks in our network to negotiate the highest valuation for the client company and lowest brokerage commissions for the placement of the offering.
With our institutional investors:
- We negotiate the highest valuation for the client company and terms of the investment with the most adequate institution(s).

Negotiating for the case of a merger or an acquisition
- We analyze, for each of the best candidates, the conditions that could potentially impact the value of the transaction or the future viability of the company, including tax effects. Our knowledge of the tax laws enables us to design transactions to minimize the cost to the buyer and maximize the after tax dollars to
the seller.
- We negotiate with the interested candidates to find the most suitable merger partner.
- We assist in drafting and negotiating the Letter of Intent (LOI) with the most suitable party.
- Following the LOI, we can provide various levels of assistance to both parties with their due diligence and with the rapid formation of the Definitive Agreement for an additional fee. Financing Advisory Plans
We offer two Financing Advisory Plans that include all the assignments listed above:

A) Aggressive:
Non-refundable fee: $**,000 upfront for a 6 month, best effort search with extensive initial marketing. Success Fee: 5%-10% of the amount of capital raised + **,000 warrants at the offering valuation. (For a merger: 3%-10% of the shares and cash that the client company receives from the merger partner)

B) Moderate:
Non-refundable fee: $**,000 monthly retainer for as long as the client company wants the best effort to last. Success Fee: 5%-10% of the amount of capital raised + **,000 warrants at the offering valuation. (For a merger: 3%-10% of the shares and cash that the client company receives from the merger partner)

Both plans provide the client company with monthly reports listing the contacted investors and the status of our negotiations with them. The fees listed above are negotiable and reasonable relative to the time we save the client company and the money to be raised. Client companies do not have the manpower, connections, infrastructure, or the expertise to raise money as efficiently and successfully as we can.

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