The following AI (Artificial Intelligence) features are useful for DeFi companies and thus for the WALL STREET PROTOCOL (WSP) development:


AI Freature: Web3 decentralization of AI enabling Wall Street firms to outperform their centralized counterparts while ensuring AI safety – Blockchain tech stack
Feature Description:
– In investing/trading information/data/news is the most valuable asset.
– Whoever has access to more information about an investment has a competitive advantage relative to other investors/traders and is thus able to outperform them.
– Generative AI has the capacity to create highly realistic fake images, voices, videos, news, etc. (e.g. AI could generate a convincing yet entirely fabricated video of President Trump speaking fluent Japanese while dressed as a sumo wrestler and appearing 200 pounds heavier than his actual weight).
– This AI trend, combined with the increasing centralization of AI/data by large organizations, heightens the risks of reality distortion and fake news-driven investments, which sooner or later lead to unexpected capital losses.
– Web3’s decentralized AI framework offers a solution by ensuring traceability, transparency, and the preservation of untampered truth, providing a critical AI safety feature to Wall Street.
– As a result, Web3 decentralized Wall Street firms could gain a significant competitive advantage by leveraging more accurate and verifiable information, allowing them to outperform centralized firms.
Relevant Video(s) / Code(s) :
Why Web3 Makes Sense in the AI Era

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